Ektal Vilambit Theka

Ektal vilambit (slow tempo) is commonly used in vocal performance, especially in the pieces known as baṛā khyāl (बड़ा ख्याल: "great" or "major" khyal). Here the tempo may be very slow, such as 30 beats per minute or slower.

At this speed, the matras (beats) of ektal are usually divided into 4 pulses. So the 12 matras of ektal now feel like 48.

Tabla players will also add some extra bols (strokes) to the theka. These extra bols are not standard, but are improvised in performance.

Ektal Vilambit Theka

Below is an ektal vilambit theka for practice as taught by Chhotelal Misra.

The bols in bold text are from the standard ektal theka. All other bols are added. Note that the last of the standard theka is now dhā.

This is the ektal vilambit theka.
dhin teṭe
dhā ge gege
ti ra ki ṭa
dhā ge gege
ti ra ki ṭa
dhin teṭe
dhā dhā dhādhā

Ektal Vilambit Demonstration

Below is a recording of ektal vilambit theka performed by Chhotelal Misra together with N. Rajam on violin (performed in the vocal style). The tempo is very slow, around 10 or 11 beats per minute. But you should hear the pulse at x4 speed, so around 40 BPM.

Note that this clip is just one cycle of ektal, but it lasts for more than 1 minute. The tabla begins on the 1 at around 00:09.

Ektal Ati-Vilambit – Violin with Tabla (N. Rajam–Chhotelal Misra):

Music Source

(Note: Audio excerpts are presented for educational purposes only under the Fair Use doctrine.)

Rajam, N. & Misra, Chhotelal. Rag Malkauns. On Gaayki on Violin. EMI (1990) (listen online)