Ektal Theka

Standard Ektal Theka

This is the standard ektal theka.
dhin dhin dhāge tirakiṭa
X 0
2 0
dhāge tirakiṭa dhin
3 4

This is the standard ektal theka, written in Devanagari.
धिं धिं धागे तिरकिट
X 0
तू ना कत् ता
2 0
धागे तिरकिट धिं ना
3 4

Spoken Ektal Theka with Timekeeping

Ektal Theka Demonstrations – Madhyalay (medium tempo)

Ektal Madhyalay Theka – Angle 2

Ektal Madhyalay Theka – Angle 3

Ektal Theka Demonstration – Drut (fast tempo)

Ektal Drut Theka – Angle 3

Ektal Theka Demonstration – Alternate Technique

There are different ways to play the standard ektal theka above. Most players learn the same spoken bols, but may play certain bols differently, especially the bols tū nā kat tā. Below is a common variation for playing these bols:

  • is played the same
  • is played on the chanti (kinar)
  • kat is played on the daya as tet
  • is played open on the low (sur)

Ektal Theka – Alternate Technique– Angle 3