Kaharawa Theka

About the Kaharawa Tal Theka

Below is the standard kaharawa theka which most students learn in the classical tradition. However, this theka is not commonly used in light classical performance. In fact, there is no particular kaharawa theka which we can say is the most common in performance.

Instead, there are endless variations according to lineage, region, or the genre of music. In the next section are Kaharawa Theka Variations from the Benares region, but these are just a small sampling of the many possible kaharawa thekas that you might hear across South Asia.

Standard Kaharawa Theka

This is the standard Kaharawa Theka.
dhā ge  nā  tin
nā  ke  dhin nā 

This is the standard Kaharawa Theka written in Devanagari.
धा गे ना तिं
ना के धिं ना

Standard Kaharawa Theka – Spoken

Standard Kaharawa Theka – Angle 2

Standard Kaharawa Theka – Angle 3